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Majority of Finnish parliament members oppose reducing well-being districts, survey reveals

Monday 2nd 2024 on 12:03 in  

A recent survey conducted by Yle has revealed that a majority of Finnish parliament members do not support reducing the number of well-being districts, despite some backing for this idea among government parties. Representatives from the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) and the Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset) predominantly favor a reduction, while the Swedish People’s Party (RKP) and the Centre Party (Keskusta) oppose it.

The debate intensified following a proposal from the leader of the Pirkanmaa well-being district to halve the number of districts. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo rejected a more extreme suggestion from a Kokoomus member, asserting that no changes to the governance structure of well-being districts are planned.

The funding of these districts and the rising deficit are central themes in the government’s upcoming budget meetings, especially as the Ministry of Finance anticipates that national debt will exceed previous estimates.

In total, 114 parliament members responded to the survey, with 36 in favor and 65 against reducing the number of districts. Notably, all RKP representatives who participated were against a reduction, maintaining the party’s position as the largest in two well-being district councils.

The Centre Party members were the most resistant, with none of the 19 respondents supporting a decrease. Meanwhile, some Green League members expressed cautious support for the reduction, although the party chair holds a differing view.

As the government prepares for its budget negotiations this week, the discussions around well-being districts and their funding remain pivotal, especially with anticipated deficits exceeding 1.4 billion euros this year.

(via yle.fi)