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Court to consider case against man accused of violating Article 266b in the Faroe Islands

Monday 2nd 2024 on 09:48 in  
Faroe Islands

Tomorrow, the Court of the Faroe Islands will consider a case regarding Article 266b of the penal code. A man is accused of violating this law after he referred to John Johannessen, a journalist, as a “sex offender” on Facebook.

The police initiated the investigation, and the man is now facing charges under Article 266b of the penal code. The prosecution is seeking a fine for the accused, who denies the allegations.

In another case related to Article 266b, which was scheduled for resolution in June, the accused initially admitted guilt but later changed his plea to not guilty once the trial began. The Court of the Faroe Islands has yet to set a new date for this hearing. This individual is charged for making derogatory remarks about a homosexual on the Vágaportalin website.

The introduction of this law has sparked considerable controversy in the Faroe Islands. In 2006, the parliament incorporated sexual orientation into Article 266b, which states that anyone who publicly or broadly disseminates statements or messages threatening, mocking, or humiliating individuals based on their race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability can face penalties of fines or imprisonment for up to two years.

(via kvf.fo)