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Yellow September campaign launched at Reykjavik City Hall to promote mental health awareness

Sunday 1st 2024 on 22:38 in  

The Yellow September campaign was inaugurated today at Reykjavik City Hall, aiming to raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention. A woman who has lost two loved ones to suicide emphasizes that it’s never too late to seek help to cope with trauma.

With a focus on mental health, the campaign received support from representatives of various organizations, including the Icelandic Directorate of Health, mental health advocacy groups, and the Church of Iceland.

Iceland’s President, Halla Tómasdóttir, addressed the gathering, expressing her appreciation for the collaboration among diverse entities in this initiative. She acknowledged the profound impact of recent tragic events on the community, extending her compassion to those grieving, stating, “My heart is with everyone who is mourning.”

During the event, Life Bridge recognized contributions to suicide prevention, awarding accolades to the Pieta organization and psychologist and author Wilhelm Norðfjörð.

This marks the second year of a month-long focus on suicide prevention, with particular attention on promoting mental well-being in schools. Anna Margrét Bjarnadóttir, a project manager at the Directorate of Health, outlined a diverse program planned for the month, which includes educational sessions for survivors of suicide loss and mental health walks across the country.

Anna Margrét, who personally lost loved ones to suicide, reflected on the lack of support for those affected. She shared her realization of the need for better resources and community support, ultimately emphasizing that it’s never too late for anyone to seek assistance in healing from trauma.

For those experiencing suicidal thoughts, support is available through helplines and various organizations dedicated to mental health.

(via ruv.is)