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Increasing concern in Finland over rise of men purchasing erectile dysfunction drugs online

Sunday 1st 2024 on 17:33 in  

A growing concern in Finland is the increase in men ordering erectile dysfunction medications online, often from unregulated sources. Juhana Piha, a specialist in sexual medicine with a 30-year career, emphasizes the risks associated with this trend. Despite having a straightforward process for obtaining prescriptions for erectile dysfunction treatments through public healthcare, many men refrain from seeking proper medical help, possibly due to fear or embarrassment.

Statistics reveal that about half of the pharmaceuticals illegally brought into Finland in recent years have been erectile drugs. According to customs officer Anne Pullinen, these questionable medications can often contain counterfeit ingredients or, in some cases, none at all. In 2023, customs seized 3,737 pharmaceutical items, with nearly 1,600 related to erectile dysfunction, highlighting the scale of the issue.

Moreover, Piha’s research suggests that most of these drugs are not being used to treat genuine erectile dysfunction but are instead being consumed recreationally, particularly among young men engaging in risky behaviors at parties, where they combine them with alcohol and other substances. The improper use of these drugs can lead to serious health risks, including adverse drug interactions and cardiovascular events.

Piha urges healthcare professionals to discuss the dangers of non-prescription use with patients and stresses the importance of raising public awareness about the potential health risks associated with recreational use of erectile dysfunction medications.

(via yle.fi)