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Family of Bryndís Klara Birgisdóttir calls for societal responsibility following tragic knife attack in Iceland

Sunday 1st 2024 on 16:23 in  

The family of Bryndís Klara Birgisdóttir, who tragically lost her life after being attacked by a 16-year-old with a knife during Culture Night, is calling for society to take responsibility for the mental well-being of its children.

In a heartfelt Facebook post shared by her father, Bryndís Klara is remembered not only for her beauty but also for her sincerity and innocence. Her father’s sister, Kristín Stefánsdóttir, emphasized that no child should have to fear for their life during interactions with peers. She noted the alarming changes in Icelandic society, lamenting that Bryndís Klara should not have had to prepare for such violence.

Kristín described a pressing need for parents and the entire community to acknowledge their role. “When children begin to walk around with knives and kill other children, there is something very serious happening in our small society in Iceland,” she stated. She raised concerns about the declining mental health and welfare of children and families in Iceland, suggesting that societal pressures are contributing to these issues.

Kristín concluded by affirming that Bryndís Klara represents all parents in Iceland, saying, “This is our responsibility as a society.” Her father’s sharing of Kristín’s message reflects the overarching sentiment that the tragic incident reveals deeper societal concerns that need urgent attention and action.

(via ruv.is)