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USS Albany docks in Faroe Islands amid growing US military presence in Arctic

Sunday 1st 2024 on 08:23 in  

In mid-July, the American submarine USS Albany docked in the Faroe Islands, marking the 11th visit by a US nuclear submarine since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The island’s Foreign Minister, Høgni Hoydal, noted the increasing presence of American submarines and aircraft in the region and emphasized the need for meetings to enhance cooperation.

The arrival of the USS Albany coincided with discussions between the US Secretary of the Navy and Hoydal, focusing on shared security interests in the Arctic and strategic waterways between the UK, Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland. Hoydal mentioned a growing interest from the US in increasing its presence in the North Atlantic and Arctic.

The meeting reflects the Faroese government’s desire to take a more proactive role in international affairs and security matters, as expressed by Prime Minister Aksel Johannesen. Hoydal, also the chairman of the pro-independence party Tjóðveldi, stated that the push for independence is not about opposing Denmark but rather about engaging responsibly with the world.

With the US Defense Department presenting a new Arctic strategy this summer, the focus is on enhancing American presence, monitoring activities, and collaborating with allies. The US’s attention to the region was highlighted in March during NATO exercises involving soldiers from 13 nations.

Despite some skepticism regarding Faroese fishing agreements with Russia, Hoydal affirmed that there had been no American concerns raised about these dealings. Furthermore, he indicated that there are no immediate plans for additional military installations in the Faroe Islands, emphasizing a desire for practical cooperation rather than the establishment of a naval base.

(via dr.dk)