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Violence in Sweden escalates as young men from marginalized areas turn to crime

Saturday 31st 2024 on 16:33 in  

Over the past decade, deadly violence in Sweden has escalated more than in other European countries. The rise in gun violence among criminal groups has involved an increasingly younger demographic, with murder contracts being referred to by leaders as “low-status jobs.” These criminal groups are becoming more loosely organized, resulting in an uncontrollable environment marked by prolonged conflicts.

A significant majority of violent acts are carried out by young men from marginalized areas, where essential community services like police stations and post offices have disappeared. One of the key reasons for this violence is the profound segregation in residential neighborhoods and schools, compounded by failed integration efforts. However, this does not fully explain the situation, as countries like Germany, which have seen nearly as much immigration as Sweden, have experienced a decline in shootings.

Today’s criminal activities resemble project groups, where young individuals undertake various assignments before disbanding. This “perfect storm” of disconnection from the mainstream society and law enforcement, combined with poor resolution efforts, leads to a radicalization within these criminal environments where lethal violence is accepted as a means, often for trivial reasons.

Questions remain about the role of drugs, the increasing number of targets, and how murder has become akin to gig work.

(via svt.se)