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Principal of Paloisten School in Lapinlahti receives warning over religious activities

Saturday 31st 2024 on 15:38 in  

The principal of Paloisten School in Lapinlahti, North Savo, received a serious warning from the regional government for organizing religious activities at the school. Daily prayers before meals and morning assemblies featuring hymns had been part of the school routine.

While Outi Raunio-Hannula, an education advisor at the Finnish National Agency for Education, did not comment on the specific case, she addressed key questions regarding religious practices in basic education.

First, she stated that religion cannot be practiced as part of education, as educational activities must remain religiously neutral according to the curriculum guidelines. Secondly, she clarified that blessing meals through prayer qualifies as religious practice, and school meals should be inclusive and devoid of any religious elements.

When asked if singing hymns constitutes religious practice, she noted that although it can be part of a worship service, hymns can also be taught in the context of religious education without being considered religious practice per se.

Regarding the possibility of organizing religious activities with parental consent, Raunio-Hannula explained that while schools can hold religious events, these must be separate from educational and communal activities. Participation must be genuinely voluntary, and alternative activities should always be provided.

Finally, she emphasized that freedom of religion is a fundamental right, including the right to practice one’s faith. Schools may organize religious activities if participation is voluntary and if alternatives are available for those who choose not to engage.

(via yle.fi)