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Two individuals injured by falling metal rod at Tampere Hall in Finland

Saturday 31st 2024 on 12:58 in  

Two individuals involved in the setup of the “Meidän lapset” (Our Children) exhibition at the Tampere Hall were slightly injured when a 30-40 kilogram metal rod fell on them over a week ago. The incident occurred in the Winter Garden space on the ground floor, just a day before the exhibition’s opening. No one else was present in the area at the time of the accident.

Mika Mäki, the service manager responsible for security and event safety, confirmed that both individuals sustained mild concussions from the falling rod. “It was a two-meter metal framework that hung by adjustable ropes about one centimeter thick. One of the ropes had snapped,” Mäki explained. He informed that one person was struck directly on the head, while the other was hit on the forehead. At the time of the accident, the rod was suspended approximately two meters high.

Mäki was notified shortly after the incident, and an ambulance was dispatched to the scene. Emergency medical personnel assessed the injured and transported them for further evaluation. The incident was also reported to the police, but according to Mäki, no further action will be taken.

Following the accident, security personnel at Tampere Hall promptly checked the attachments of the rods. There are several similar rods suspended in the exhibition space. “The broken rope has been replaced, and the others were checked with no issues found,” Mäki stated. He reassured the public that there is no need to fear falling rods but mentioned that Tampere Hall plans to replace them with lighter versions soon. The Winter Garden, set to open in Sorsapuisto, is an exhibition space that Tampere Hall offers for various foundations and projects.

(via yle.fi)