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Center Party leader Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson calls for realistic political approach in Iceland

Saturday 31st 2024 on 12:38 in  

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, leader of the Center Party, asserts there is a growing demand for a more realistic approach in politics, distancing from ideologically driven narratives. He notes that politics has often been overly influenced by façade and dogmatism, lacking genuine connections to reality. The Center Party has recently seen a surge in popularity, currently polling at 16 percent according to the latest Gallup national pulse, compared to 5.5 percent in the 2021 elections.

Gunnlaugsson believes his party has not made any significant strategic shifts, emphasizing a commitment to substantive discussions. He suggests that the adage “slow and steady wins the race” is applicable in this context. Recent polling indicates that the disparity between the Center Party and the Independence Party has become negligible, with the former at 16 percent and the latter at 17.1 percent.

Gunnlaugsson expresses concern that the Independence Party has strayed from its foundational values, asserting he has long attempted to guide them in a more principled direction, albeit without success. He feels that while the Independence Party once championed civil values, there are indications that some members are inclined to align more closely with the opposition, particularly the Social Democratic Party.

In conclusion, the political landscape in Iceland appears to be shifting, with calls for realism resonating strongly within the electorate, as evidenced by the Center Party’s rising support and the Independence Party’s struggle to maintain its traditional stance.

(via ruv.is)