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Mussels destruction in Hukkajoki raises concerns among forestry students at TredU in Suomussalmi

Saturday 31st 2024 on 06:48 in  

The destruction of rare mussels in Hukkajoki, Suomussalmi, has significant implications for forestry students. At the Tampere Region Vocational College, TredU, students training to become forest machine operators—Ville Ilonen, Eetu Luhtamaa, and Aatu Vastamäki—believe that the incident was a mistake, highlighting gaps in communication about non-negotiable areas on job sites. “Or perhaps there was a particularly stubborn driver who just didn’t care,” Luhtamaa speculated.

This incident resonates with the students, who reflect on the potential for similar occurrences in their own work. “It could definitely happen. If we are not informed about areas we can’t drive over or trees we cannot fell,” Vastamäki noted. All students reported that they receive on-site guidance about avoiding sensitive areas, which is also displayed on their machine screens.

TredU’s forestry program includes comprehensive nature conservation education, crucial for understanding biodiversity and the climate impacts of forests. Tuomo Kivimäki, an instructor at TredU, highlighted that students receive at least a week of training focused on conservation issues. This training continues throughout their three-year program.

The college’s head of forestry and nature education, Mari Nieminen, expressed the need for more diverse training sites that include protected natural areas to help students better understand conservation in practice. She emphasized the importance of teaching and retraining professionals in the field to appreciate biodiversity.

Students Ilonen, Luhtamaa, and Vastamäki believe that awareness of conservation issues is more significant for their generation than for previous ones. They feel more attuned to these matters because contemporary forestry education places a greater emphasis on the importance of environmental protection.

(via yle.fi)