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Study shows weekend sleep may lower heart disease risk, according to researchers from China

Friday 30th 2024 on 20:33 in  

A recent study suggests that catching up on sleep during the weekends may significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. According to NBC News, individuals who compensated for sleep debt over the weekend had a 19% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who only slightly increased their weekend rest.

Chinese researchers analyzed data from over 90,000 participants in the UK Biobank, examining their sleeping patterns over a 14-year period. They focused on those who managed to sleep an extra 1 to 16 hours during weekends. The comparison between those who caught up on sleep the most and those who did so the least showed a clear advantage for the heavier sleepers.

Chronic sleep deprivation is known to be associated with various health issues, but the direct benefits of making up for sleep loss had not been previously studied. Muhammad Adeel Rishi, an assistant professor and sleep researcher at Indiana University, cautions that while the study highlights a connection, it does not establish that additional sleep directly improves heart health. Other factors not considered in this research may also play a significant role.

The results of this study will be presented at a meeting of European cardiologists on Sunday. In a recent US survey, only 42% of adults reported getting enough sleep, indicating a widespread struggle with sleep deprivation. Finnish sleep expert Henri Tuomilehto argues for the importance of establishing a consistent sleep schedule rather than over-sleeping on weekends, emphasizing the need for awareness in managing one’s sleep pattern.

(via yle.fi)