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Puffin hunting season opens in Faroe Islands attracting enthusiasts and families

Friday 30th 2024 on 19:08 in  
Faroe Islands

In the Faroe Islands, the hunting season for puffins has begun, attracting both seasoned hunters and families keen on collecting their catch. While some individuals may sell a significant portion of their haul, others prefer to utilize the catch for personal use or share it with friends and family.

Last evening in a boat shed in Argir, Hilmar Jan Hansen visited a group of five men engaged in sorting and preparing their day’s catch. Among those out for puffins was Peter Leon Lorenzen, who was accompanied by his sons, Steen and Bárður. They were pleased with their successful hunt, noting that there was plenty to see and experience.

For more details, tune into the local radio news segment to hear the full report.

(via kvf.fo)