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Restaurateurs seek vibrant transformation for Jomfru Ane Gade in Aalborg

Friday 30th 2024 on 18:23 in  

Celebrations unfold on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights along Aalborg’s famed Jomfru Ane Gade, but the street remains deserted during weekdays. To revitalize the area, local restaurateurs are calling for a shift away from a focus solely on nightclubs.

Daniel Lehmann, the head of the Jomfru Ane Gade Association and owner of the bar Giraffen, emphasizes that there’s a need for diversity in the offerings. “We all try to sell drinks as our core product, but it simply doesn’t attract enough people,” he says. The aim is to reinvent Jomfru Ane Gade to feature a broader range of establishments, including cafes and restaurants.

Lehmann notes that many nightclubs have closed in recent years due to financial struggles. He believes that a mix of businesses will attract a different clientele, benefitting all. “Dining guests have a different agenda than nightlife patrons,” he suggests, noting that a varied offer would bring more vibrancy to his bar as well.

Silas Mühlbach from Gug reflects that Jomfru Ane Gade isn’t a priority for him, attributing this to family life. However, he is open to visiting more often if the offerings change. Malene Blond from Aalborg also voices her disengagement, stating that the current focus of the street does not appeal to her, but she would welcome the inclusion of restaurants and cafes like those that once thrived in the area.

Mikele Volpi, head of Aalborg City’s trade association, expresses optimism about the restaurateurs’ initiative. He dreams of Jomfru Ane Gade becoming a significant asset that enhances the city’s cultural, shopping, and dining scene, thereby drawing more visitors to the heart of Aalborg.

(via dr.dk)