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Pianist Iiro Rantala set to perform with Pori Sinfonietta amid conductorial controversy

Friday 30th 2024 on 17:53 in  

Pianist Iiro Rantala is set to perform as a soloist and conductor with the Pori Sinfonietta this week. The orchestra is currently facing challenges after previously appointing Jonas Rannila as chief conductor, only to rescind the contract due to allegations of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment towards students in the field. At present, Pori Sinfonietta continues without a chief conductor, a situation Rantala describes as unfortunate. While he does not condone Rannila’s actions, Rantala believes it is somewhat unreasonable for Rannila’s career to be completely dismissed due to the ongoing public discourse.

Rantala suggests that the Pori Sinfonietta should reconsider collaborating with Rannila in the future. “I don’t know Jonas Rannila personally, but he is an excellent conductor, and I propose that in a year, Pori Sinfonietta revisit the matter with a clean slate,” he stated. However, he emphasizes the importance of addressing and bringing to light cases of power abuse.

When asked for his thoughts on Rantala’s idea for Rannila’s potential return, Esa Kohtamäki, head of the Pori City Education Division, deemed it unlikely, stating, “Some water needs to flow under the Kokemäenjoki River before we can consider this again.” He views Rantala’s statement as a personal opinion and believes the decision to let Rannila go is quite permanent due to the significant reputational damage on both sides.

The Pori Sinfonietta is now relying on guest conductors for upcoming concerts, which complicates long-term planning and rehearsals. Rantala compares an orchestra without a chief conductor to a ship sailing without a captain, highlighting the hierarchical nature of leadership in orchestras. He stressed that the music industry’s leadership culture has improved, with higher expectations for conductors regarding their behavior and communication.

(via yle.fi)