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Brothers Andreas and Sune Gylling Æbelø share journey from faith to acceptance in new book

Friday 30th 2024 on 17:03 in  

Andreas and Sune Gylling Æbelø grew up in a deeply religious household, attending a Christian school and immersing themselves in fundamentalist Christian circles. Their upbringing, characterized by love, security, and regular Bible reading, was overshadowed by a secret they both harbored: they are homosexual.

In their new book, “The Lost Sons,” the brothers share their struggles growing up torn between their faith and their sexuality. For years, they buried their feelings, believing they were wrong. Sune recalls the fear and shame that accompanied his realization of his sexuality. A pivotal moment occurred during a sermon at a Christian student retreat when he felt a calling from God, sparking hope for healing.

Sune later confided in a preacher, who acknowledged the complexity of his feelings but suggested that God could heal him from homosexuality. He was referred to a center that promised such healing, igniting a flicker of hope within him.

Andreas faced a similar internal battle, writing to a Christian advice column for help, only to be told he could find forgiveness if he renounced his “homosexual tendencies.” Years of self-denial ensued until both brothers finally emerged from their struggles and embraced their identities. Andreas eventually fell in love with a man named Søren, while Sune sought therapy to understand his feelings better.

Reflecting on their past, both brothers recognize the Christian community’s role in their pain and anxiety, lamenting the lack of support for young people grappling with their identities. Despite these challenges, they have found peace within their faith, asserting that their true selves can be reconciled with their beliefs. The brothers now remain active members of the church, advocating for a faith that accepts all individuals, regardless of their sexuality.

(via dr.dk)