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Lopen Voima ja Kunto team celebrates success at Finnish bench press championships in Finland

Friday 30th 2024 on 16:58 in  

Lopen Voima ja Kunto team, based in Loppi, Finland, has produced several successful powerlifters, including Johanna Kuronen, who won the European Championship in bench pressing earlier this August in Istanbul. In January 2024, the team achieved remarkable results at the Finnish bench press championships, securing six gold medals, two silvers, and a bronze.

The LVK powerlifting gym, established in 2017 and formerly a bank, is home to around 200 club members. Rosa Leskinen, 30, discovered the gym a year and a half ago and has become an active member alongside her partner, Lauri Leskinen. Rosa initially joined to lose weight but has since developed a desire to showcase her strength. Currently, her personal best is a combined lift of 415 kg.

Markku Savolainen, chairman of the club, is deeply passionate about powerlifting. He engages with every visitor, eager to understand their interest in strength training. The gym operates on a model where members can access it independently while holding each other accountable for maintaining a drug-free environment.

Founded in 2003, the Lopen Voima ja Kunto team serves a larger community than its modest membership might suggest, with about 30 athletes holding competition licenses. Savolainen emphasizes that while financial support is limited, the club strives to assist each competitor individually, cultivating a positive community spirit through volunteer work for events.

Johanna Kuronen, the European champion, values the supportive atmosphere at the gym, which she believes has significantly advanced the sport. As competitors prepare for events, the camaraderie and encouragement are essential, enhancing the competitive experience. Both Kuronen and Leskinen express gratitude for the club’s nurturing environment, which they see as a vital part of their journey in powerlifting.

(via yle.fi)