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Mother from Kristiansand advocates for home births without midwives amid rising trend in Norway

Friday 30th 2024 on 16:54 in  

Elise Thrane, a mother of four from Kristiansand, has given birth to three of her children at home without a midwife present, insisting that her choice is not irresponsible. There is a noticeable trend on social media where women are opting for home births without medical personnel, even in high-risk situations. The Norwegian Midwives Association has expressed concerns about the risks this trend poses to both mothers and babies.

Thrane founded the Facebook group “Fødsel-uassistert fødsel-Freebirth” in 2013, which now includes over 200 members. While Norwegian authorities do not recommend home births without a midwife, there have been several cases where women required urgent hospital care due to complications. Data from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health indicates that 434 children were born outside health institutions in 2023; however, it’s unclear how many of these were planned home births without midwives.

The growing movement of “freebirth” has seen a significant increase in engagement on social media, with hashtags like #freebirth and #naturalbirth gaining traction. Many women share their experiences and advice in groups created for this purpose. Despite the common belief that childbirth is a natural process, health professionals are concerned about the implications of abandoning traditional prenatal and delivery care.

Some women cite previous traumatic experiences in hospitals, while others feel empowered to make their own choices regarding childbirth. Notably, midwives highlight the potential life-threatening consequences of forgoing medical assistance during delivery. Thrane emphasizes that any woman who feels the need for hospital intervention should seek medical help, reinforcing the importance of safety in childbirth.

(via nrk.no)