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Danish Tax Agency incinerates millions of cigarettes and tons of tobacco at Amager Bakke plant in Copenhagen

Friday 30th 2024 on 14:18 in  

This morning, the Danish Tax Agency incinerated several million cigarettes and tons of tobacco at the Amager Bakke waste-to-energy plant. The tobacco originated from an illegal cigarette factory in Aulum, West Jutland, which resulted in prison sentences and hefty fines for several individuals earlier this year.

Anne Sofie Hedemann, a deputy director at the agency, stated, “This is the largest seizure we have had at the Tax Agency.” The operation involved the destruction of 18 tons of tobacco and 26.5 million cigarettes, an unprecedented scale for the agency.

The taxes alone on the destroyed tobacco amounted to 80 million Danish kroner (approximately $12 million). Transporting the cigarettes and tobacco to the incineration facility in Copenhagen required five trucks.

(via dr.dk)