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Chairman Andreasen criticizes new fishing boat requirements from Maritime Authority in Faroe Islands

Friday 30th 2024 on 13:08 in  
Faroe Islands

Jógvan Trondesen Andreasen, chairman of the South Streymoy Fishing Association, has criticized the new requirements set forth by the Maritime Authority for Category A fishing boats, stating that the demands are excessive and many of them are unnecessary.

Andreasen points out that the costs associated with modifying and equipping boats to meet these standards can be prohibitive. “It’s expensive to retrofit and add various features to the boats, and some of these requirements are superfluous,” he elaborated.

Hans Johannes á Brúgv, the director of the Maritime Authority, has recommended that fishing licenses and navigation permits be integrated to streamline the regulatory framework.

For further insights, listeners can tune in to the radio news segment available online.

(via kvf.fo)