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Travel Association urges revision of proposed boat speed limits to protect tourism in Scandinavia

Friday 30th 2024 on 12:13 in  
Faroe Islands

The Travel and Tourism Association contends that the maximum speed for boats operating near shore should be set at 10 to 15 knots, rather than the eight knots proposed in a regulation aimed at protecting seabirds. The Association is seeking an extended period to consider the proposal that has been submitted for consultation.

The deadline for feedback was originally August 28 but has now been extended to September 11.

The Association expresses concern that the proposal was presented for consultation in the midst of the summer season. During this period, tourism operators are often extremely busy and may have limited time to thoroughly evaluate the proposal.

Furthermore, the Travel and Tourism Association believes that enforcing the proposed speed regulation will be challenging. Therefore, it strongly recommends that the maximum speed limit be increased.

According to the proposal, the speed limit regulations would not apply in situations where safe navigation at lower speeds is impossible due to weather conditions. However, if the maximum speed were raised to 10-15 knots per hour, the Association argues that there would be a real opportunity for compliance with the regulation.

(via kvf.fo)