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Celebration begins in Ålesund as wedding festivities move to Geiranger

Friday 30th 2024 on 11:54 in  

Yesterday was the meet-and-greet celebration in Ålesund, marking the start of the wedding festivities that will move to Geiranger today for the actual ceremony. Preparations have been underway early this morning to ensure everything is ready before the arrival of the bride and groom.

“We are currently decorating a heart with Norwegian and American flags to welcome the couple,” said Katrin Blomvik Bakken, director of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Geirangerfjord.

The decorations in Geiranger, featuring both Norwegian and American flags, reflect the significance of the occasion. Blomvik Bakken expressed her excitement that the couple chose this location for their wedding. “We have a great affection for the royal family, and hosting a wedding here in our small town of Geiranger is a true celebration for us.”

The preparations include creating a catwalk where local schoolchildren from Geiranger, Eidsdal, and Norddal will showcase redesigned outfits. Despite controversies surrounding the wedding, Blomvik Bakken affirmed the commitment to being excellent hosts. “Regardless of who visits us, we will be good hosts; that’s our role, and we can only respond to what happens around us.”

Tourists in Geiranger, including one couple from the USA, expressed their surprise and enthusiasm about the weekend’s events, noting they were unaware of any royal activities but found the local decorations intriguing.

Meanwhile, Durek Verrett, who strolled through Ålesund yesterday amidst a crowd of media and fans, praised the beauty of the city, saying, “I love the architecture, the people are lovely, and the shops are truly great.”

(via nrk.no)