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Residents in Vogar advised to stay indoors due to volcanic pollution from Sundhnúksgígaröð eruption

Friday 30th 2024 on 11:18 in  

Residents of Vogar, located on the Vatnsleysuströnd, are being advised to exercise caution due to volcanic pollution affecting the area. An eruption from the Sundhnúksgígaröð volcano is sending ash and smoke directly into Vogar, worsened by the prevailing southerly winds. Residents are advised to refrain from outdoor exercises or strenuous activities.

Air quality measurements indicate that conditions are particularly poor in Vogar, with levels of particulate matter considered unhealthy. Those with pre-existing lung or heart conditions are strongly recommended to stay indoors.

Meteorological experts note that while pollution levels were elevated in the capital region this morning, they are expected to decrease as wind patterns shift, pushing the ash northward. However, conditions in Vogar are expected to remain largely unchanged throughout the day.

Authorities state that it is permissible to move between buildings and attend school or work; however, outdoor activities such as soccer practice or running should be avoided. Additionally, parents are advised to keep young children indoors.

Real-time updates on air quality can be monitored through the Environmental Agency’s website.

(via ruv.is)