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Survey reveals resident satisfaction levels across municipalities in Faroe Islands

Friday 30th 2024 on 10:18 in  
Faroe Islands

More than 3,000 people have participated in a significant survey conducted by Kringvarpið and Lóður, aimed at evaluating the municipalities in the Faroe Islands. The survey seeks to gauge residents’ opinions on what they appreciate about their municipalities and what aspects could be improved.

Respondents rated various statements on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 signifies strong agreement or satisfaction, and 7 indicates strong disagreement or dissatisfaction. These responses were then converted into a numerical scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores reflecting greater satisfaction among residents.

One area of focus is the general perception of the municipality’s welcoming nature for residents and visitors. Residents in Sumbiar municipality rated their community as more inviting than others. Tórshavnar and Eiðis municipalities also received favorable evaluations, while Kvívíkar, Sjóvar, and Viðareiðis municipalities scored significantly lower.

Another aspect examined was the availability of good offerings for children and youth, where Eiðis municipality excelled alongside Fuglafjarðar, Tvøroyrar, Nes, and Vágs municipalities. However, residents of Viðareiði and Sand felt their municipality offered less favorable conditions for young people.

The survey also addressed the perception of municipalities as well-integrated. Sumbiar, Eiðis, and Nes municipalities ranked highest in this regard. Conversely, Runavíkar municipality received more criticism.

Regarding childcare, Kvívíkar municipality scored impressively, while Sumbiar residents expressed less satisfaction in this category. In the education sector, Nes municipality was rated highest, while Sumbiar again lagged regarding public schooling.

The survey highlighted significant dissatisfaction with housing options, especially in Tórshavnar municipality, which, despite being the largest, had residents reporting low satisfaction regarding housing availability. Information quality and communication between citizens and municipalities also emerged as points needing improvement, particularly in Sands municipality. Sumbiar residents expressed the highest overall satisfaction with municipal administration.

(via kvf.fo)