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Metsähallitus cleans Hukkajoki River to protect endangered freshwater pearl mussels in Finland

Friday 30th 2024 on 09:03 in  

Metsähallitus, the Finnish state-owned enterprise managing nature reserves, has been cleaning the affected areas of the Hukkajoki River to ensure its suitability for the endangered freshwater pearl mussels throughout this week. Currently, there is no need for volunteers at the site, but water purification experts are encouraged to reach out for assistance. Various pumping and suction methods have already been attempted, but they have proven ineffective.

Project manager Pirkko-Liisa Luhta stated in a press release, “If water purification specialists have suggestions on how to effectively remove fine sediments from the river, we need that practical help, and they can contact us.” As of Thursday, approximately 30 cubic meters of mud and logging debris have been removed from the river. Around 5,500 freshwater pearl mussels have been relocated to a cleaner section of the waterway, and trails made by forestry machinery have been covered to prevent further sediment runoff into the river.

On the previous day, the removal of fine particulate matter from the river commenced using filter fabrics. Water is directed towards the fabric, allowing fine sediments to be trapped while preventing them from flowing downstream. This work will continue next week.

It is clear that not all fine particles introduced into the river due to overwheel traffic will be completely removed. According to Luhta, “Fine sediments had already flowed hundreds of meters downstream by the time we first arrived.” The recovery rate of the relocated freshwater pearl mussels remains uncertain, and Metsähallitus is monitoring their rehabilitation.

Metsähallitus expresses gratitude for the numerous offers of assistance received for the restoration efforts at Hukkajoki. Those wishing to offer help can contact Pekka Sulkava at Luontopalvelut.

(via yle.fi)