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Ombudsman requests reevaluation of information access procedures in Løgting, Faroe Islands

Friday 30th 2024 on 07:13 in  
Faroe Islands

The Ombudsman of the Løgting has requested the Ministry of Fisheries and Transport to reevaluate its procedures concerning access to information.

The Ombudsman received a complaint stating that the ministry provided limited access to data regarding commercial fishing trials. Certain information was redacted in the released documents without a clear explanation for the deletions.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Transport has now acknowledged that the specific assessment was not sufficiently accurate and did not comply with the law concerning access to information.

As a result, the ministry is inclined to readdress the issue.

Kringvarpið, a broadcasting entity, had sought access to all materials related to a company that received a quota for commercial fishing trials in connection with blue whiting. The ministry consulted the company in question regarding the request for information.

The company opposed the release of the information, arguing that it should not be disclosed. Subsequently, the ministry decided, without a thorough examination of the circumstances, to deny access to the information, stating that it pertained to operational and business matters.

Now, the ministry is set to review the case anew and provide justifications for its decisions.

(via kvf.fo)