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Residents pledge to fight high school closures in Lom and Dokka, arguing against social isolation in Innlandet

Thursday 29th 2024 on 20:54 in  

Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård and her husband have stated they will not return to their home in Lom if the local high school is closed. Skjåkødegård leads an action group advocating for the preservation of the school and a reevaluation of the educational structure in Gudbrandsdalen. Proposed school closures have sparked widespread protests across Innlandet.

Ola Tore Dokken, mayor of Nordre Land, expressed concerns that closing the high school in Dokka could increase social isolation, lead to higher unemployment, and raise the number of people on disability benefits. The main educational committee of the Innlandet county council favors maintaining larger schools, even if it means students must travel longer distances.

The high school in Lom has been identified as one of several schools facing closure due to declining enrollment numbers. Skjåkødegård, who has built a career as a researcher in Bergen, highlighting her wish to bring her family back to Nord-Gudbrandsdal, is determined to advocate for the future of the school. She has seen many friends and family return to the area after having children and believes it’s essential for children to not have to move away for schooling during their teenage years.

The county council presented three proposals for closures, with the final decision set to be made on October 23. Following the proposals, over 225 responses have been submitted, almost all arguing to keep their local schools open.

Dokken noted that if Dokka’s high school is closed, students would have to travel significant distances, which could discourage them from continuing their education. He insists that the county must consider the broader social impacts of such decisions. Skjåkødegård remains resolute in her efforts, arguing that the closure would be a permanent loss for the community.

(via nrk.no)