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Decision-making authority for residency applications shifts from Denmark to Directorate of Immigration

Thursday 29th 2024 on 19:53 in  
Faroe Islands

As of September 1, the decision-making authority will be transferred, meaning that these decisions will no longer be made in Denmark.

This change specifically means that the Directorate of Immigration will now be responsible for making decisions regarding permanent residency, temporary residency, and work permits.

The responsibility of the Directorate will encompass all applications related to family reunification, employment, self-employment, study permits, internships, researchers, missionaries, their accompanying family members, and au pairs.

However, it is important to note that the Directorate’s decision-making authority does not extend to all areas. Issues relating to visas, asylum, deportation, and citizenship will still be processed and decided in Denmark.

Approximately 3,000 cases are expected to be handled and resolved each year, averaging about 12 cases per working day at the Directorate of Immigration.

(via kvf.fo)