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Sophie Hæstorp Andersen appointed as Denmark’s Minister for Social Affairs and Housing

Thursday 29th 2024 on 19:33 in  

Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, the former Mayor of Copenhagen, has transitioned to a new position as Denmark’s Minister for Social Affairs and Housing. Despite her mother’s reservations about leaving the mayoral post, the 49-year-old politician attended a ceremony with her new ministerial colleagues to be introduced as part of the latest government.

A seasoned politician, Hæstorp Andersen’s career includes roles in local, regional, and national politics. She was first elected to the Danish Parliament at the age of 27, served as chairwoman of the Regional Council in the Capital Region, and was later elected to the City Council of Copenhagen, eventually becoming the Mayor.

Her sudden ministerial appointment took many by surprise, especially as Copenhagen was about to begin budget negotiations. Colleagues on the council expressed shock at the announcement, particularly given the longstanding tensions within the council’s culture. One colleague remarked on her style of leadership and the positive changes she had brought to the council.

This is not the first time Hæstorp Andersen’s career has taken an unexpected turn; her ascent to the mayoral role came abruptly after the resignation of her predecessor due to allegations of inappropriate behavior. She subsequently stepped down from her position as chair of the Capital Region to campaign for the mayoralty, which she successfully obtained in the last municipal election. However, the Social Democrats suffered a historic defeat in that election, losing their status as the leading party in Copenhagen.

During the handover of responsibilities at the Ministry, fellow party member Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil presented Hæstorp Andersen with boxing gloves inscribed with the phrase “No victory without struggle,” a nod to her political journey.

(via dr.dk)