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Kotka officials consider ban on smart devices in confidential meetings amid security concerns

Thursday 29th 2024 on 18:23 in  

In Kotka, politicians and officials are discussing the potential ban of smart devices in confidential city meetings. A proposal from the joint council group of the National Coalition Party and the Swedish People’s Party suggests restricting smartphone usage during closed meetings held by the city board, ownership management, and various committees when dealing with sensitive or classified issues. The decision to impose such a restriction would be left to the discretion of the meeting chair.

This initiative is motivated by concerns regarding cyber and hybrid threats and the risks associated with data security. According to Riina Brofors, the chair of the council group, Kotka, which hosts Finland’s largest general port and is near the eastern border, frequently handles sensitive information related to supply security that may attract attention from external parties.

Cybersecurity specialist Martti Setälä from the Association of Finnish Municipalities notes that discussions about the use of smart devices are timely due to ongoing security concerns among municipalities. He believes banning smart devices in sensitive meetings could improve data security at minimal cost.

However, Sanna Koskimies, the city’s administrative and development manager, argues that the confidentiality of information alone may not justify a ban on devices. While the public information law outlines various confidential matters, she doesn’t believe that all of them necessitate such restrictions.

Koskimies adds that while banning devices in security-related discussions seems warranted, there are limited circumstances requiring this. Currently, there is nothing preventing participants from voluntarily agreeing to leave their devices out of other meetings if all attendees are in agreement.

(via yle.fi)