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Denmark establishes new ministries amid concerns about security and preparedness

Thursday 29th 2024 on 17:48 in  

Denmark has recently experienced significant changes in its government structure, with the introduction of three new ministries: a Minister for Europe, a Minister responsible for implementing the Green Agreement, and a Minister for Society Security and Preparedness. However, some experts question the necessity of the latter position. Torben Ørting, former Rear Admiral and chairman of the organization People & Security, expressed concerns that creating a new ministry could further complicate the already bureaucratic state apparatus. He emphasized that merely shifting responsibilities around does not resolve the fundamental issues facing the nation’s emergency preparedness.

Peter Kofoed, a member of the Danish Parliament, concurs with Ørting, highlighting that the defense and emergency sectors are in dire need of attention and resources. Both he and Ørting noted that Denmark lags significantly behind neighboring countries in terms of preparedness and defense capabilities.

In response to concerns about whether the establishment of a dedicated ministry would simplify the system, Ørting argued that the complexity arises from excessive bureaucracy rather than the organization itself. The newly appointed Minister for Society Security and Preparedness, Torsten Schack Pedersen, aims to bolster Denmark’s resilience against both external threats and challenges posed by extreme weather events.

Despite skepticism regarding the effectiveness of this reorganization, some experts like Rasmus Dalberg, a lecturer at the Defense Academy, view the new ministry as a positive step. He acknowledges the significant challenges ahead but emphasizes the importance of not merely transferring existing problems into this new structure.

Overall, this reshuffle signifies a governmental effort to address critical issues of security and preparedness in Denmark, although opinions vary on its potential effectiveness.

(via dr.dk)