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Specialist plans relocation of psychiatric clinic from Frederikshavn to Brønderslev amid local concerns

Thursday 29th 2024 on 17:23 in  

For several years, a psychiatric clinic in Frederikshavn has provided evaluations for adults with ADHD, autism, and other diagnoses. However, this could soon change. The current specialist, who is 79 years old, is set to retire in October, and the incoming specialist plans to relocate the clinic from Frederikshavn to Brønderslev.

Local authorities, particularly Ole Rørbæk Jensen, the chairman of the Social and Health Committee in Frederikshavn Municipality, have expressed concerns. He fears that such a move would increase travel time for many northern residents of Vendsyssel, resulting in higher transportation costs. Aside from the Frederikshavn clinic, there are seven other psychiatric clinics in North Jutland, most located in Aalborg or south of the Limfjord.

Specialist Troels Nielsen argues that over 50% of the patients currently linked to the Frederikshavn clinic come from Aalborg, suggesting that relocating would actually reduce travel time for them. He states that moving to Brønderslev could save these patients about an hour of transport for each visit. Nonetheless, Rørbæk Jensen contests this, noting that a quarter of the patients are from Frederikshavn, and he worries that some may forgo treatment due to increased travel requirements.

Next Thursday, the Cooperative Committee for Specialists in North Jutland will discuss the potential relocation of the clinic. Nielsen also mentions that moving closer to his residence would improve his daily commute and enhance the clinic’s capacity to accommodate more patients. Currently, the Frederikshavn clinic faces challenges, including lack of accessibility and inadequate parking, which Nielsen cites as reasons for needing a new location. However, Rørbæk Jensen believes that the clinic can remain in Frederikshavn and still meet the necessary requirements for all patients. In recent years, the clinic has handled over 400 treatment cases annually.

(via dr.dk)