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Man charged with 2012 murder of Jonas Thomsen Sekyere in Copenhagen

Thursday 29th 2024 on 17:03 in  

A 39-year-old man, Omer Muse, has been charged with the 2012 murder of 21-year-old law student Jonas Thomsen Sekyere in Copenhagen. During a court appearance, Muse confessed to the stabbing, albeit unable to recall the specifics, claiming he had been drinking heavily that night. He stated, “Yes, I stabbed,” and mentioned that he only learned of Sekyere’s death the following morning upon seeing news coverage.

Muse was apprehended upon his arrival at Copenhagen Airport, after being extradited from Ethiopia, where he had spent the preceding months. Following the incident, he fled to Somaliland and lived as a free man for about two years before being arrested there.

In court, Muse claimed that his initial sentence was 20 years but was later reduced to ten years, and he faced additional penalties, including compensation to the victim’s family, which was later converted to a fixed amount of approximately $8,600.

The prosecution expressed concerns regarding the legitimacy of the trial process that took place in Somaliland, referencing the lack of witness testimonies and adequate legal representation during those proceedings. Muse recounted harsh conditions in prison, alleging torture and confinement with dangerous individuals, while he faced further struggles after his release, leading to his subsequent capture under an international warrant for the murder.

Witnesses at the original crime scene attempted to assist Sekyere, who had reported to them that a “little Somali” had stabbed him. After receiving emergency care, Sekyere was pronounced dead within an hour due to severe injuries, confirmed by an autopsy to have been inflicted to the heart. Following the court’s decision, Muse has been remanded in custody for 27 days pending further proceedings.

(via dr.dk)