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Kauppila avoids charges in climate protest case as summons delivery fails in Helsinki

Thursday 29th 2024 on 16:53 in  

Elina Kauppila, a city councilor in Helsinki and head of environmental operations for the Finnish Nature League, managed to avoid criminal charges related to a climate protest held in front of the Finnish Government Palace on October 8, 2021. The charges involved breach of public order and resisting police. The case against her and 18 other activists became void due to the failure of court bailiffs to deliver summons before the offenses expired on October 8, 2023.

Kauppila noted that attempts to reach out to her were made very late in the process. She stated, “I have been readily available at work and at home.” Despite being engaged in her normal work routine, she expressed willingness to face the charges if notified.

The prosecutor filed charges against a total of 52 activists on September 26, 2023. Among these, 33 were informed in time to appear in court in mid-August. The verdict is expected next Monday, September 2.

Another activist, Ivar Sundman, also remained unreachable prior to the expiration of the offenses. He echoed Kauppila’s sentiments, expressing regret for not having been able to accommodate the bailiff’s requests due to a busy schedule, but emphasized that he did not intentionally avoid them.

Christopher Olijslager, a bailiff from the Helsinki District Court, explained that delivering summons can sometimes be hectic, especially with minor offenses that expire within two years. He prefers using phone calls for efficiency, but he must always identify himself openly when approaching individuals.

The situation highlights the challenges faced by legal systems in reaching individuals for charges, particularly in high-visibility activism cases.

(via yle.fi)