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Survey reveals community sentiments in Faroe Islands municipalities with Sumba topping rankings

Thursday 29th 2024 on 16:08 in  
Faroe Islands

More than 3,000 people have participated in a major survey conducted by Kringvarpið and Lóður regarding the municipalities in the Faroe Islands. The survey aims to capture the sentiments of residents about their communities, identifying what they appreciate and what areas could be improved.

The survey includes a series of questions, prompting respondents to rate their agreement with a statement on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 indicates strong agreement or satisfaction and 7 indicates strong disagreement or dissatisfaction. These responses have been converted into a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores reflecting greater satisfaction.

Residents’ perceptions were evaluated across various themes within their municipalities. The first theme discusses how welcoming communities perceive themselves to be to residents and visitors. Sumba Municipality scored highest, followed by Tórshavn and Eiði. In contrast, Kvívík, Sjóvar, and Viðareiði received significantly lower ratings.

In assessing services for children and youth, Eiði also performed well, along with Fuglafjørður, Tvøroyri, Nes, and Vágur. However, residents of Viðareiði and Sandur expressed less satisfaction in this area.

When it comes to the perception of municipalities being well-integrated, Sumba, Eiði, and Nes ranked highest. Contrarily, some of the larger municipalities, such as Suðuroy and particularly Runavík, received lower scores in this regard.

In evaluating municipal reputation, Nes, Eiði, and Eystur Municipality garnered the most positive feedback. However, Tvøroyri, Sandur, and Skopun received negative responses concerning their image.

Overall, while Kvívík performed low in various categories, they excelled in child care quality. Conversely, Sumba was evaluated poorly in both child care and primary education despite high ratings in other areas. Eiði consistently ranked well across several domains including elder care.

Public housing opportunities were a significant concern, particularly in the capital, Tórshavn, which ranked last in this category. In contrast, Nes Municipality demonstrated the highest satisfaction among residents regarding housing options. Lastly, communication and administration ratings varied significantly, with Sumba receiving top marks while Sandur languished at the bottom.

(via kvf.fo)