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Debate intensifies over Finland’s anti-racism campaign as political leaders express differing views

Thursday 29th 2024 on 12:18 in  

The recent discussion surrounding Finland’s government campaign against racism has highlighted differing viewpoints among political parties. Sofia Virta, leader of the opposition Green Party, expressed concerns that if the government were to prohibit throwing stones into lakes, they would simultaneously roll boulders from a nearby cliff into the water. This metaphor illustrates her view that the government is deflecting responsibility in its anti-racism campaign, which was presented by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo on Tuesday.

Riikka Purra, leader of the governing Finns Party and Minister of Finance, acknowledged her party’s commitment to a report approved last year that formed the basis of the anti-racism program and campaign. However, she indicated that the Finns Party might not fully endorse the anti-racism campaign as a whole.

On a recent broadcast, discussions regarding the anti-racism campaign included voices from the opposition Social Democratic Party and the governing Swedish People’s Party. This campaign arises from last summer’s debates on racism linked to past racist comments made by ministers from the Finns Party.

Virta warned that the ongoing conversation about racism could divert attention away from impending budget discussions, potentially benefiting the Finns Party by overshadowing the impacts on low-income and vulnerable populations.

Anders Adlercreutz from the Swedish People’s Party expressed hope that parties would assess the anti-racism campaign objectively and not use it for political maneuvering.

Markku Jokisipilä, director of the Parliament Research Center, noted the varying interpretations of racism across parties. He explained that the Finns Party tends to view racism mainly through a criminal law lens, while opposition parties frame it in the context of cultural racism.

Federico Ferrara, an anti-racism trainer, lamented that the focus has shifted from the substance of the campaign to which parties are participating, stressing the importance of discussing systemic issues of racism in Finland.

(via yle.fi)