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Shooting incidents in Sweden shift from status symbol to low-status job, reports Brå

Thursday 29th 2024 on 10:18 in  

Shooting incidents in Sweden have evolved from being primarily a means of gaining status in criminal circles to being viewed as a “low-status job” by established criminals, according to the Swedish Crime Prevention Council (Brå). Many young perpetrators involved in these shootings often have no ties to the underlying conflicts. To effectively reduce gun violence, Brå emphasizes the need to hold the key figures in these conflicts accountable as well.

Brå also attributes the rise in shootings to the identity of the victims. The researchers initially believed that highly publicized events would have a significant impact on the escalation of gun violence, but they have since found that it is more about who is being shot that influences the situation.

A notable shift since the early 2000s is the increasing involvement of younger individuals in shootings. There is a marked change in the nature of the crimes, including who the offenders and victims are. Brå reports that violence has transitioned from a regulated environment to a more chaotic one, with a rise in the number of violent groups and greater geographical mobility among criminals.

Previously, shootings tended to be isolated incidents; however, they are now often connected to ongoing conflicts. Whereas targeted shootings used to primarily involve prominent leaders, the landscape has changed, with more individuals participating and family members of those involved becoming frequent targets in these violent confrontations.

(via svt.se)