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Weather forecast predicts mixed conditions as low-pressure system approaches Iceland from Greenland

Thursday 29th 2024 on 10:03 in  

Today’s weather in Iceland is expected to be mostly dry and bright, with a gentle westerly breeze. However, the northeastern region may experience cloudy skies and light rain until midday. Temperatures will range between 8 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Currently, a low-pressure system is developing over the southern part of Greenland and is gradually approaching Iceland. This evening and tonight, wind conditions will worsen as the low-pressure system arrives, causing cloud cover to thicken. Tomorrow, forecasts indicate winds from the south at speeds of 10 to 18 m/s, accompanied by drizzle or rain, particularly in the northwestern areas, with temperatures between 10 to 14 degrees Celsius.

The precipitation associated with this low-pressure system will not affect the eastern part of the country tomorrow, leading to lighter winds and dry conditions with temperatures reaching up to 19 degrees Celsius there.

Over the weekend, the aforementioned low-pressure area to the west will merge with another system on Saturday, increasing its strength. As a result, conditions will become windier and wetter than on Friday, with strong southerly winds and significant rainfall expected on Saturday. Furthermore, a very wet weather outlook persists for southern and western regions on Sunday.

(via ruv.is)