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Negotiations resume between Engineers’ Union and Local Government Employers’ Association at Hotel Føroyar

Thursday 29th 2024 on 09:53 in  
Faroe Islands

Negotiations between the Engineers’ Union and the Local Government Employers’ Association for the engineers at SEV and IRF commenced today at 9 AM.

The negotiations are being facilitated by the Mediation Board. They have stipulated that an agreement must first be reached on work time regulations in the new contract before addressing other demands.

A working group composed of representatives from the Local Government Employers’ Association and the Engineers’ Union was established to propose these regulations. This working group has now completed its task.

Negotiations previously broke off on July 5, prompting the involvement of the Mediation Board. The previous agreement expired in October 2022.

Talks are currently taking place at Hotel Føroyar.

(via kvf.fo)