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Commercial fishing fleet ages significantly in Denmark as 62 percent of vessels exceed 30 years old

Thursday 29th 2024 on 09:43 in  
Faroe Islands

Over half, specifically 62 percent, of the commercial fishing vessels are over 30 years old, according to statistics from the Maritime Authority.

These figures highlight the aging state of the fishing fleet, which is not being renewed at all. Currently, there are 60 vessels engaged in commercial fishing, but only five have been added to this fleet in the past 20 years.

Additionally, very few commercial fishing vessels hold valid sailing licenses. The Maritime Authority reports that only 36 percent of boats in category 5A operate legally, while in category 5B—which includes those fishing for over 200,000 kroner—only 39 percent are compliant.

It is a requirement for these boats to undergo inspections before the Maritime Authority grants them sailing licenses. The authorities believe that safety would significantly improve if a valid sailing license were mandated before a vessel is allowed to obtain a fishing permit.

The current situation is unacceptable, and the Maritime Authority plans to rectify the discrepancies.

(via kvf.fo)