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Verdict expected in Niels Holck extradition case in Denmark

Thursday 29th 2024 on 08:28 in  

Today, a verdict is expected in the Niels Holck case, in which the 62-year-old Danish citizen faces the risk of extradition to India. Holck fears for his life if extradited, stating, “It is very typical for people to die in police custody in India, so I am fighting against the extradition. I want to be held accountable before a judge because I believe I acted in justified self-defense, but I would prefer not to die as a result. I think it’s fair to fight against a situation where I could die.”

Holck has previously recounted his involvement with the rebel group Ananda Marga, which in 1995 received four tons of weapons and ammunition in the Indian state of West Bengal. Since then, India has sought his extradition. Holck claims he was trying to assist an oppressed people, while Indian authorities label his actions as support for terrorism.

The Danish judicial system has shifted its stance on Holck’s extradition. In 2011, the Eastern High Court denied extradition due to a risk of torture; however, in June of last year, the State Prosecutor recommended that Holck could be extradited based on a renewed request from India in 2016 and subsequent investigations.

Holck believes the change in the Danish government’s position is part of political maneuvering between Denmark and India since 2018. “On good days, I think the entire trial is a political game, and that I will win,” he stated, questioning how Denmark’s legal system became entangled in such politics.

If the verdict is unfavorable today, Holck intends to appeal. “I understand a district court judge might feel immense pressure to align with the high court judges or the State Prosecutor, but I remain hopeful that the higher courts will see through these matters,” he said. The Hillerød court will announce its ruling at 1:00 PM.

(via dr.dk)