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Katrín Jakobsdóttir joins University of Iceland’s University Council for two-year term

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 23:13 in  

Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the former Prime Minister of Iceland, has recently joined the University of Iceland’s University Council for a two-year term. This marks a significant return for Katrín, who previously represented students in the council from 1998 to 2000.

The newly appointed council will hold its first meeting at the beginning of September, with its term running until June 2026. The council is established under the laws governing public universities and consists of the rector, three representatives from the university community, two appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Innovation and Industry, two student representatives, and three members nominated by the council itself. Katrín’s role on the council classifies her as a representative of the wider society.

On April 5, she announced her candidacy for the presidency of Iceland and stepped down from her position as Prime Minister, leader of the Left-Green Movement, and MP. A new government led by Bjarni Benediktsson was presented shortly afterward.

Before serving as Prime Minister, Katrín was the Minister of Education, Science, and Culture from 2009 to 2013. During her tenure, she proposed various bills that focused on reforms in student loans, enhancement of music education, rights for disabled students in universities, as well as promoting the Icelandic language and sign language. Additionally, she represented student interests on the University Council and the Student Council at the University of Iceland from 1998 to 2000 through her affiliation with Röskva, an association for social democrats.

(via ruv.is)