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Paloheinä Golf course expansion approved by Helsinki City Council

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 22:23 in  

Paloheinä’s popular municipal golf course is set to undergo an expansion, allowing players to experience a full 18-hole round in the near future. The Helsinki City Council approved the zoning changes necessary for this expansion on Wednesday. According to Hanna Teerijoki, the operator of Paloheinä Golf, the current 9-hole course is expected to be transformed into a full-sized course within two years.

Teerijoki clarified that the course remains open to everyone, stating that players can enjoy golf without needing a membership. The facility has seen a significant increase in popularity over the years, currently accommodating up to a thousand players daily, attracting both young and older enthusiasts.

Assistant Mayor Paavo Arhinmäki emphasized the initiative’s goal of making golf more accessible. The course is conveniently reachable by public transport, and players can pay on a per-visit basis. The zoning changes will affect the Haltiala landscape fields and the grassy areas of the Paloheinä Sports Park, with plans to integrate nature conservation into the course’s development.

Arhinmäki assured that the golf course expansion would not limit other recreational opportunities within the Paloheinä area, such as ski trails. Furthermore, Teerijoki mentioned that there are no current plans to expand the golf course’s parking facilities, although they may consider repurposing one practice area for parking if demand significantly increases.

Teerijoki highlighted that there are currently no other similar municipal golf courses in Helsinki, reinforcing the project’s commitment to low-barrier recreation, as Arhinmäki concluded.

(via yle.fi)