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Investigation launched into large-scale vehicle theft at Hekla in Reykjavik

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 18:38 in  

The police are investigating a car theft incident involving six vehicles stolen from Hekla, a company located on Laugavegur in downtown Reykjavik. This unusual theft occurred late at night, and it was discovered during a morning review of the previous day’s activities. The company’s CEO, Friðbert Friðbertsson, noted that the stolen vehicles included two Volkswagens, three Skodas, and one Audi, which were either undergoing repairs or used by staff members.

It appears that the thieves gained access to the building and located the keys to the vehicles. Upon reviewing the security footage, it became clear that individuals had broken into the premises. The police have taken possession of this footage as part of their investigation.

The scale of this theft is rare in Iceland, raising questions about the number of perpetrators involved. While Friðbert refrained from making definitive claims due to the ongoing investigation, he suggested that it likely involved more than one person.

As for the financial implications, Friðbert indicated that the estimated loss from the theft could amount to tens of millions of Icelandic krónas, possibly reaching up to 30 million. He expressed uncertainty, stating that he had never witnessed a theft of this magnitude in a single incident before. He remains doubtful about how the thieves plan to sell the stolen vehicles, considering it unlikely they could do so within Iceland.

Friðbert concluded by emphasizing that the situation is now in the hands of the police, and hopes for the vehicles’ recovery remain high.

(via ruv.is)