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Farmers in Vatnsdal receive inquiries for carbon offset forest land sales in Iceland

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 16:28 in  

Farmers in the Vatnsdal area have received inquiries regarding the sale of their lands for the cultivation of carbon offset forests. The interest in purchasing land has raised eyebrows among some, particularly given the region’s strong agricultural productivity.

Recent reports indicate that buyers are exploring the possibility of acquiring up to 10,000 hectares for this purpose. This comes in the wake of inquiries made by an international company, through a local real estate firm, specifically targeting farmers in Vatnsdal for potential sales.

One local farmer, Ragnheiður L. Jónsdóttir, expressed surprise at the inquiries, stating, “We felt this was not the right approach to seek lands that are actively being farmed.” While no formal offers have been made, Ragnheiður noted that some farmers were presented with high monetary offers, which could be tempting for those facing challenging operational circumstances.

Concerns have been raised about the implications of selling productive agricultural land. Ragnheiður warned, “If financially strong entities start making very high offers for land currently used for food production, this could lead to a serious situation in a short time.”

Discussions have not been limited strictly to Vatnsdal farmers but have reached landowners across the country. The real estate representatives claim specific interests are in lands less suited for traditional Icelandic agriculture. However, farmers from areas with viable agricultural operations are being approached, which is causing anxiety about the potential decline of local food production if significant portions of land are reallocated for forestry.

(via ruv.is)