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Significant support for Pastor Thomas Uth at meeting in Varde Municipality

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 16:23 in  

There was significant support for Pastor Thomas Uth during a meeting held by the parish councils of Lunde and Outrup churches in Varde Municipality on Tuesday evening. The meeting aimed to discuss the pastor’s right to refuse to marry divorced individuals and same-sex couples—a stance that has sparked both criticism and support within the two southwest Jutland parishes.

Else Andersen, along with her husband, initiated the debate by publishing a letter in a local newspaper last week. She attended the meeting, where parish council members and numerous attendees supported the pastor’s right to decline certain marriages. Andersen expressed her disappointment, stating, “I feel that the communities of Outrup and Lunde have regressed 100 years in their view of humanity.”

Lunde parish council chair Thorkild Møller Christensen defended the pastor’s position, asserting that while he may not personally officiate marriages for divorced individuals or same-sex couples, he maintains a compassionate worldview. He emphasized the importance of ensuring another pastor could perform these marriages, allowing the council to continue supporting Uth.

Under current law, a pastor may refuse to marry divorced individuals or same-sex couples, prompting the need to find a colleague willing to conduct the ceremony. Christensen sees the ongoing debate as a testament to the democratic principles within the church, appreciating the opportunity for open dialogue.

Concerns arose from Else Andersen regarding the future of the local church, as about half of the 40-50 attendees at the meeting supported the pastor’s views. She warned that rejection of certain groups could discourage families from participating in church rituals such as baptisms.

Pastor Uth was unable to attend the meeting due to illness but communicated that he would ensure couples could still find a minister willing to officiate their marriages.

(via dr.dk)