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Iceland’s National Health Insurance Agency restructures oversight division to enhance healthcare service monitoring

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 14:23 in  

Iceland’s National Health Insurance Agency (Sjúkratryggingar Íslands) has announced that the primary goal of its recent organizational restructuring is to enhance oversight of government-supported healthcare services provided by private entities. As part of these changes, the agency’s independent oversight division has been dissolved and integrated into its legal department.

Sigurður Helgi Helgason, the head of Sjúkratryggingar Íslands, stated that these restructuring efforts have been in the works for some time and are not related to an ongoing administrative audit being conducted by the National Audit Office. In response to inquiries, he emphasized that the audit’s initiation did not prompt these changes, clarifying that the oversight division did not possess any independent authority within the agency.

The oversight department’s role included verifying the accuracy of invoices submitted by healthcare providers for government reimbursement. This new structure aims to simplify administration and reduce operational units within the agency. It positions the oversight function within a legal framework, facilitating enhanced professional collaboration and legal support in monitoring activities.

Recent years have seen significant challenges for the agency, including the resignation of its former director, María Heimisdóttir, at the end of 2022. She had cited underfunding issues as a major concern. María was instrumental in establishing the oversight division that has now been integrated into the legal department.

The changes are expected to strengthen the agency’s monitoring processes, ensuring better oversight of private healthcare services in Iceland.

(via ruv.is)