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Meyer Turku Shipyard secures substantial order, boosting employment and education in Turku

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 12:33 in  

The University of Turku is celebrating good news from Meyer Turku Shipyard. The recent substantial order for the shipyard ensures continued employment in the industry, which in turn boosts interest in relevant educational programs. Mika Hannula, the university’s vice-rector, views this development as highly positive. “It is essential for the region’s economy to thrive; otherwise, skilled professionals and expertise may migrate to other growth centers like the capital region and Pirkanmaa,” he said.

Meyer Turku is currently constructing the “Icon of the Stars,” a project that exemplifies successful collaboration between the shipyard and various local stakeholders. Hannula reflects on the craft of shipbuilding, noting, “When I look at the ship, I see an immense amount of expertise, knowledge capital, and, of course, a lot of hard work.”

The university shares in the ups and downs of the shipbuilding industry. “Good news in the economy is significant for the Turku region and all of Finland,” Hannula added. The engineering education in Turku is considered top-tier, yet the region has faced a shortage of skilled professionals in technical fields for decades. However, Hannula reassures that the situation is improving, especially with increased university activities supported by local businesses, with Meyer being among the most recognized partners.

The attention garnered by the globally noted cruise ship “Icon of the Seas” has likely fueled further interest in the field. “Such vessels receive considerable media coverage. It’s vital that young students and industry professionals take pride in their work,” he concluded.

Meyer Turku also strengthened its collaboration with Åbo Akademi last year, establishing a shared workspace for researchers and industry representatives, alongside various educational initiatives, including donations for a sustainable development professorship. The autumn admissions period for universities and polytechnics opened today at 8 AM on the Opintopolku website for programs starting in spring 2025.

(via yle.fi)