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Innovasjon Norge pauses campaign promoting Norway as a destination for outdoor life amid regional concerns

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 11:54 in  

Innovasjon Norge has halted a campaign aimed at promoting Norway as a destination for outdoor life after nearly two years of development. The initiative faced significant pushback, particularly from regions like Northern Norway and the West Coast, which worry that increased tourism could be detrimental both economically and environmentally.

Critics express concerns that the campaign could lead to a rise in unregulated travel and camping, potentially harming the commercial tourism sector. In response to the feedback, Innovasjon Norge has decided to put the campaign on hold and engage in a new dialogue to address the issues raised. Despite the two years of work, the campaign remains in its early stages, and the organization’s leaders believe that minimal financial losses will result from the pause. There is hope for a future relaunch.

Aase Marthe Horrigmo, the director of tourism at Innovasjon Norge, emphasized the importance of recognizing Norway’s cultural connection to nature. However, skepticism runs high, especially among stakeholders in heavily visited areas who are already grappling with the pressures of increasing numbers of foreign tourists.

Trond Øverås from Northern Norway has expressed concerns about the potential for increased unregulated traffic that could exacerbate challenges already facing certain regions. Fjord Norge, the umbrella organization for tourism in the West, has also called for a reevaluation of the campaign’s potential impacts on the commercial tourism industry.

Horrigmo acknowledged the feedback and reiterated the goal of ensuring that the campaign promotes sustainable outdoor experiences. She hopes that the campaign can eventually be revived to educate foreign visitors on enjoying Norway’s natural beauty safely and responsibly.

(via nrk.no)