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Disruptive behavior calms at Metsokangas grocery store in Oulu, Finland

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 10:28 in  

Disruptive behavior by young people at the Metsokangas grocery store in Oulu has reportedly ceased for the time being. Earlier this year, the store faced challenges as a group of youths rode electric scooters, bicycles, and mopeds inside the establishment, building barricades at its entrance, shouting at passersby, and displaying other unruly behavior.

“We have to knock on wood, but it has surprisingly calmed down lately. A few days before school started, things were quite chaotic, and I did wonder how it would turn out, but fortunately, for now, everything is fine,” said K-Store owner Anni Huurinainen.

Huurinainen believes that the increased police patrols in the area have contributed to the decline in disruptions, along with collaborative efforts with local youth services and schools, which are expected to strengthen further in the coming months.

However, despite the current calm, Huurinainen urges Metsokangas residents to remain vigilant and monitor youth activities, expressing concerns that underlying issues may still persist. “This issue cannot be forgotten. I urge parents to stay observant during their walks and ask their children about what they are up to,” she stated.

Metsokangas, home to over 6,000 residents, has many families with children, and Huurinainen noted that up to forty youths participated in the unruly behavior during the peak incidents.

In response to these challenges, local officials are considering establishing dedicated youth spaces in town. Currently, the nearest youth center is a few kilometers away, posing accessibility issues for many young people. There are plans to revive monthly youth events at the local school to provide a safer alternative for entertainment and socialization among the youth.

(via yle.fi)